Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Art Crush

Please excuse the HIDEOUS sickly pink wall color
I wanted to share two things that hang in my office and make me very happy. For Christmas a couple of years ago, I got this lovely print by Garth Williams from my husband. It's an image from "The Little Fur Family," which is one of my all-time favorite of favorite picture books. I have no idea where or how he got it, but I love it dearly.

"Bless you, my little Fur Child, every time you sneeze"

The other piece is a print called "Circle Time" by Emily Martin. The good news is that I bought it from her Etsy shop, and you can too! Her shop is full of lovely curious magical things. I see from my research writing this post that she has a book out too. I may need to check that one out!

Don't you just wonder what they're reading?

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